Sri Kodakalla (they/them) is a multimedia creative and arts organizer based in Charlottesville, VA. Sri is a graduate of the University of Virginia in Computer Engineering. Since graduating, they have worked and volunteered in several Central Virginia arts organizations (Second Street Gallery, McGuffey Art Center, and The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative), focused on serving the creative and equitable growth of BIPOC artists and youth. Along with co-founder and fellow artist Ramona Martinez, they direct Bad Milk Press, a DIY publishing organization based in Charlottesville, and produce MALA LECHE, a radical art & writing publication featuring the work of women, non-binary, and genderqueer creatives in Central Virginia.

Their multimodal creative work combines mixed-media visual art, writing, and research-based methodology to compose non-narrative dream-like evocations of memories, often depicting facets of my immigration experience, cultural homecoming, and familial oral stories. Integrating intensive iterative craft with vignette storytelling, this work explores themes of identity reclamation, sustained griefs, recurrent memory, and our relationship to legacy. Their work has been exhibited nationally in several solo and group exhibitions, most notably at Second Street Gallery and 934 Gallery.

Photography courtesy of Kristen S. Finn

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