
Collages are a formative fixture of my creative practice and often the source or reference material from which some of my larger projects derive inspiration. This medium offers immediacy and tactility to pull imagined and fantastical scenes out of my head and onto a page. Collage allows me to interplay between realism, magic, and the looseness of memory to create snapshots of poetic narratives. Through most of my collage work, there are common threads in symbolic language, repetition of texture / pattern, geometry, and most importantly, richness of color, which aid in relating dream-like auras or lost ancestral memories.

From a past exhibition in 2021, I shared that collage “serves as a dumping ground for memories. It’s about humility, agency, and vulnerability. However fleeting, it serves as an acknowledgement of a mood, a headspace, or an emotion. It is the bittersweet delight of creating lasting connections, only to see them swallowed up into a sea of expression. It is saturated with reflections on my experiences, all in the hope of facilitating a sense of normalcy in exploring, as well as owning your truth and identity."

On Windows (2022), a trio exhibition at 934 Gallery

In Windows (2022), an exhibition of two- and three-dimensional work based on interpretations of the idea of “collage,” artists Brielle DuFlon, Sri Kodakalla, and Madeleine Rhondeau-Rhodes utilize three books featuring textiles, street photography, and architecture from the places that have respectively shaped them—Guatemala, India and Virginia.

On If we allow ourselves to wander… (2021), a solo exhibition
at Second Street Gallery

Developed within a five month span, If we allow ourselves to wander… at Second Street Gallery was a collection of fiber mixed media collage that opened conversation for universal connections. The exhibition featured 74 small collages, a portion of which are featured on this page, and was accompanied by a small book of original poetry.


Artist Books

